If you've ever opened a fortune cookie or a bag of tea or a refreshing beverage, they will sometimes leave you thoughtful, wondering, or just laughing. Share them here and rate them! One "fortune" will be posted every week. You will be very fortunate indeed!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Gioiamo dell'amore nostro finché possiamo.

 Let us enjoy our love as long as we may.

 Disfrutemos del amor mientras podamos.

 Jouissons de motre amour tant que nous pouvons.

 Genießen wir unsere Liebe so lange wir können.

 -Sesto Properzio

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

 L'amore non possiedé nevuole essere posseduto.

 Love possess not, nor would it be possessed.

 El amor no posee ni dulere que lo posean.

 L'amour ne possede pas, ni ne veut être possédé.

 Die Liebe besitzt nichts, noch will sie besessen worden.
 -K. Gibran


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Buy flowers
 for yourself.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Write a real
 letter, not just an email.