If you've ever opened a fortune cookie or a bag of tea or a refreshing beverage, they will sometimes leave you thoughtful, wondering, or just laughing. Share them here and rate them! One "fortune" will be posted every week. You will be very fortunate indeed!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Escape for
 a moment.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Se l'amore, che nomade benedetto, è tuo ospite, tienilo caro.

 If love, that blessed nomad, is your guest, treat him well.

 Si el amor, que bendijo nómada, se aloja contigo, agasajalo.

Si l'amour, ce nomade béni, est ton invité, accueille-le avec tous les égards.

 Ist die Liebe, die gepriesene Nomadin, bei dir zu Gast, so haite sie in Ehren.

 -Aizoddin Nasafi 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Feel good
 about today.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

 L'amicizia porta grande felicità con piccoli gesti.
 Friendship brings great happiness with little gestures.

 Amistad trae una gran felicidad con pequeños gestos.

 L'amitié apporte beaucoup de bonheur avec les petits gestes.

 Freundschaft bringt großes Glück mit kleinen Gesten.
